About Us
The Equatoria Teak Company plantations comprise six separate forest reserve blocks centred on the towns of Nzara and Yambio in Western Equatoria State.
The total plantation area at Equatoria Teak Company is currently 2,940 ha. of planted areas with a further 25,000 ha. available for teak cultivation. The concessions were granted for a period of 32 years from 2019, with an option to extend for a further period of 32 years.
Western Equatoria state receives the highest annual rainfall in South Sudan, and its climate and soil are ideal for many forms of agriculture. Teak grows optimally with annual rainfall of 1,200-2,500 mm with a marked dry season of 3-5 months, in well-drained alluvial soils derived from limestone, schist, gneiss, or shale, in high light-intensity, under warm and humid conditions. Western Equatoria State offers the ideal climatic conditions for teak to thrive.

At the core of our company is the planting and sustainable harvesting of the plantation teak across all of ETC’s concessions. The world’s forests continue to shrink as populations increase and forest land is converted to agriculture and other uses. Africa had the highest net annual loss of forests in 2010-2015, with 2.8 million hectares being lost. We believe sustainable forest management is critical to the continued supply of timber worldwide, as well as the maintenance of the ecological benefits of forest land and its biodiversity.